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iciHaiti - Politic : New Executive Director at ENAPP
04/05/2019 10:33:03

iciHaiti - Politic : New Executive Director at ENAPP
Prime Minister, Jean Michel Rabin, appointed, on the proposal of the Superior Council of Administration and Civil Service, Marie Ange Placide as Executive Director ai of the National School of Administration and Public Policy (ENAPP).

Marie Ange Placide replaces Marie Chantale Dumay, whose 3-year term had expired.

She will be responsible for giving a new impetus to the ENAPP, particularly at the administrative level. All energies are already mobilized particularly to the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH) which will provide the educational coordination of training, to complete the program before the end of this fiscal year, to facilitate the integration of future graduates as early as next October.

During her installation and faced the great challenges and stakesthat await her, Mrs. Placide in her speech renewed her daily commitment in the administrative management of the school and in safeguarding the values ​​and achievements that make ENAPP a prestigious school, provider of competent and dynamic executives as part of the reform and modernization of public administration.

Learn more about Mrs. Marie Placide Angel :
Mrs. Marie Placide is a career civil servant with more than 20 years of experience in the public service. She has been, in turn, Accountant, Chief Accountant, Administrative and Financial Director, and Chargé de Mission in the General Directorate of the Office of Citizen Protection. She holds a bachelor's degree in accounting science, a master's degree in public administration from ENAPP and a certificate in economics.

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