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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Delivery of equipment to nearly 300 Cabaret fishermen
03/05/2019 10:16:57

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Delivery of equipment to nearly 300 Cabaret fishermen
The Ministry of Agriculture and the United Nations Agriculture and Food Organization (FAO) have distributed fishing equipment to some 300 fishermen from three Cabaret associations (North of Port-au-Prince) : Rally of the fishermen of Baïleul (RA-PEB), the Association of the fishermen of Royal and the Association of the fishermen of Lafito.

These 3 fishermen's associations have received hundreds of nylon lines, hooks, bait, harpoons, and herrings. Fishermen who benefited from this distribution faced great difficulties in obtaining such materials on the market.

"These materials are an invaluable contribution for us," said Dieujuste Jean André, RA-PEB Coordinator. "These types of materials are almost impossible to find here. You have to systematically order them abroad."

In addition to the shortfall, the scarcity of adapted equipment handicaps the evolution of their profession "We want to practice fishing at a more professional level. These materials will allow us to better equip ourselves and continue to move in the right direction, " said Estelinor Toussaint, Coordinator of the Lafito Fishermen's Association. In the immediate future, he insists on the management of the received materials in order to reassure the potential partners on their capacities to optimize the resources put at their disposal. Stating "[...] to avoid any waste, we will organize training for fishermen before they use some of these materials."

"Fishing is a profitable activity. It is thanks to her that we can provide for the needs of our families "explained Jean Jeanjuste Jean, who wants to set up a Federation of fishermen with 6 Cabaret associations" Our goal is to change the living conditions of fishermen of the not only in terms of material capacity but also in terms of income."

The Fishermen's Associations want the Ministry and FAO to find a solution to permanently improve the access of fishermen to materials, equipment and fishing gear.

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