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iciHaiti - Diaspora : Donation of audio-visual equipment at Fritz Pierre-Louis High School
02/05/2019 10:02:39

iciHaiti - Diaspora : Donation of audio-visual equipment at Fritz Pierre-Louis High School
At the beginning of the week, Pierre Josué Agénor Cadet, Minister of National Education (former Director of this High School), at the Fritz Pierre-Louis High School in Port-au-Prince, presided over a donation ceremony of audio-visual equipment, aiming at improving teaching practices, including an overhead projector, a video projector and a computer.

This equipment was donated by Dr. Simon Jean Simon (native of Marfranc, Grand'Anse) alumnus of high school (from 7th AF to the class of philo), specialist in education, evolving for years in the United States who intended by this gesture, greet and thank this public school which contributed to its formation to become what it is today.

This generous gesture of a member of the diaspora, reinforces the actions of the Ministry that wishes to equip all the high schools of the Republic of educational and technological materials to improve teaching practices and learning.

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