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iciHaiti - Social : Exhibition «Où en sont les femmes ?»
28/04/2019 09:28:51

iciHaiti - Social : Exhibition «Où en sont les femmes ?»
The "Fondasyon Konesans ak Libète" (FOKAL) recalls that the exhibition "Where are the women" continues until Saturday, October 5 in the gardens of the Katherine Dunham Cultural Center (CCKD), in the park of Martissant and also in the FOKAL until May 9, 2019.

This educational exhibition, produced in collaboration with the FOKAL Arts and Culture and Citizenship Education Programs with the support of the Government of Canada via Global Affairs Canada, is made up of some 40 boards, which question the presence of Haitian women and men and from the rest of the world, in spaces of power, decision making, citizenship and traces the struggles of women for the respect and guarantee of their fundamental rights.

Moreover, in the two exhibition sites, the CCKD library and the Monique Calixte Library (BMC) will exhibit books in free consultation on special tables around the theme of women's rights. A space is also open to the public to allow the diffusion of videos and sound documents will complete the exhibition. Conferences and talks, the dates of them will be communicated later, will allow exchanges and debates with the public on the main themes of the exhibition.

Practical information :

Exhibition :
April 5 to October 5, 2019, at the Katherine Dunham Cultural Center, Martissant Park, Martissant 23, Port-au-Prince. Open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily except Sundays and Mondays.

From 9 April to 9 May 2019, at FOKAL, 143 Christophe Avenue, Port-au-Prince. Open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily except Sundays.

Consultation of books and videos : at CCKD and BMC, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Activities organized by the BMC :
Guided tours for schools, May 7, 8 and 9, 2019;
Discussions with debate clubs and reading clubs, starting April 24, 2019;
Game Questions Answers with a focus on women's rights.

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