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iciHaiti - Health : Immunization campaign against diphtheria
27/04/2019 09:53:07

iciHaiti - Health : Immunization campaign against diphtheria
In the context of a resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases, UNICEF launched a new global campaign on April 24 to reaffirm the effectiveness and safety of vaccines for parents and more broadly among social network users. This campaign will run alongside World Immunization Week (April 24-30), to remind communities and especially parents that together they can protect everyone with vaccines.

In Haiti, World Immunization Week is dedicated to the fight against the epidemic of diphtheria, a vaccine-preventable disease that has re-emerged since 2014. A vaccination campaign will be held from Sunday, April 29 to May 3, 2019 in the West and Artibonite, the two most affected departments, targeting children from 1 to 14 years.

Note that coverage disparity in immunization in Haiti is mainly related to geographical accessibility. The EMMUS IV and V surveys showed that vaccination coverage in rural areas (45.6%) is lower than that in urban areas (56%). The Health Services Delivery Assessment (EPSS) found that more than half of the population lives at least 5 km from a health facility and many communities are not accessible by car or motorbike.

"UNICEF supports the Haitian government's efforts to make vaccines and immunization more accessible to the children and women who need it most," said Maria Luisa Fornara, UNICEF Representative in Haiti.

Remember that UNICEF also contributes to the strengthening of the cold chain throughout the territory of Haiti. Thanks to the support of donors like Japan, Gavi and the World Bank, the organization has distributed and installed 335 solar refrigerators to store vaccines in remote areas of the country where there is no electricity. The cold chain technicians of the Ministry of Health were trained in Benin for the maintenance of these refrigerators.

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