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iciHaiti - PetroCaribe : The CSC/CA explain on its delay
26/04/2019 12:31:52

iciHaiti - PetroCaribe : The CSC/CA explain on its delay
In a note, Pierre Volmar Demesyeux, the President of the Council of the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Disputes (CSC/CA) informs the general population and the press in particular, that because of the turbulent period that last February, resulting in the suspension of the work of the technicians of the institution, the deadline for the finalization of the second part of the audit report on the Petrocaribe fund at the end of April will not be respected.

In fact, by letter addressed to the President of the Senate, the Court also referred to other factors that contributed to delaying the process of finalizing the second part of the report. These include administrative formalities for access to certain accounting and technical documents, and cash flow problems related to the general state of public finances.

The Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Litigation reminds all sectors of the national life that are concerned about the accountability of the PetroCaribe fund that the work of the technicians of the institution continues unabated in order to transmit the second part of the final audit report of the PetroCaribe fund in the Senate of the Republic at the end of May.

Download the Petrocaribe Fund Management Report 1 : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/PETROCARIBE-31-01-2019.pdf

All you need to know about PetroCaribe : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26121-haiti-flash-everything-you-need-to-know-about-using-the-petrocaribe-fund.html

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