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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Role of the BRH in the financing of Agri-Tourism
26/04/2019 09:56:02

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Role of the BRH in the financing of Agri-Tourism
Thursday at the 4th day of the International Finance Summit, Jean Baden Dubois, the Governor of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) spoke on the role of the Central Bank in the financing of Agri-tourism via financial institutions. The Governor explained that the BRH has set up several agricultural financing funds including the Financing and Agricultural Insurance System in Haiti (SYFAAH) and the Industrial Development Fund (FDI).

In his presentation, the governor also spoke of the difficulties that the growth of the agricultural sector entails, particularly because of climatic and environmental hazards.

Jean Baden Dubois stressed that financing is not the first problem of agriculture explaining that the problem of entrepreneurship is often the cause of the refusals of financing, that is why in indicated that in collaboration with the FDI, the Central Bank plans to support entrepreneurs.

The Governor also took the opportunity to invite the banking sector, the financial sector and the State to combine their efforts to develop the agricultural sector and from there, the country. "The development of Haiti necessarily goes through a strong private sector," said Jean Baden Dubois.

The interventions of the second and last panel of Day 3 focused on the issue of insurance. The panel consisted of Emile Pantaléon, Risk Director of the Alternative Insurance Company (AIC), Edgard Jeudy, Director General of the FDI, Willine Myrthil Sillias Assistant Director of Operations at FDI, Luckson Innocent and Luclain Noël Jean Agricultural Fund Analysts at IDF. Pantaléon in his presentation presented the insurance products offered by his institution and invited farmers and tourism service providers to protect their investments using insurance services. FDI representatives presented the institution, its role its philosophy while highlighting the loan guarantee program in Haiti, the Agricultural Guarantee Fund in Haiti (FGPAH) and the requirements for accreditation of a loan.

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