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iciHaiti - Religion : Our Lady of Paris fire, Message of the Bishops of Haiti
21/04/2019 09:13:47

iciHaiti - Religion : Our Lady of Paris fire, Message of the Bishops of Haiti
Following the fire that destroyed in the evening of April 15, 2019, a large part of the roof of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris and caused significant damage, the Episcopal Conference of Haiti (CEH) sent a message of sympathy to Monseigneur Michel Aupetit, the Archbishop of Paris.

Extract from the message of the Episcopal Conference :

"[...] In this tragic moment, we miss words and invite us to prayer. However, let us express here our spiritual closeness and our fraternal solidarity to you, Excellency the Archbishop of Paris, the Bishops of France and all your dear diocesans who must be in shock.

With you we mourn this priceless loss. With you, we pray and ask the God of all consolation, to comfort you in this Holy Week where you were preparing to celebrate precisely in the Cathedral of Paris the liturgy of holy days, the mystery Pascal of the Passion, death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May God, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, intercede for you and bless the Church of France [...]"

Mgr. Launay Saturné, Archbishop of Cap-Haitien (President of the CEH)
Mgr. Pierre André Dumas, Bishop of the Diocese of Anse à Veau / Miragoâne (Vice-President of the CEH)
Mgr. Joseph Gontrand Décoste, SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Jeremiah (Secretary of the CEH)
Mgr. Marie Erick Glandas Toussaint, Bishop of the Diocese of Jacmel (Econome of the CEH)

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