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iciHaiti - RSF 2019 : Freedom of the press, Haiti backs 15 places in 5 years
20/04/2019 11:15:12

iciHaiti - RSF 2019 : Freedom of the press, Haiti backs 15 places in 5 years
In the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2019 World Ranking, which analyzes the situation of press freedom in 180 countries, Haiti is down 2 places compared to 2018 and is 62nd out of 180 countries. Between 2014 and 2019 Haiti went from 47th place (2014) to 62nd place (2019), registering a drop of 15 places.

RSF highlights in report "Despite recent developments in press freedom laws, Haitian journalists continue to suffer from a severe lack of financial resources, lack of institutional support and poor access to information. difficult to information.

Some are still intimidated and assaulted, especially during demonstrations.

The private media, which are closely linked to the interests of their shareholders, struggle to express their views without self-censorship.z

Recall that on March 13, 2017, the Haitian Senate voted unanimously a bill on defamation, providing heavy penalties against journalists, while in 2016 our Dominican neighbors repeal laws making defamation punishable by imprisonment "A major breakthrough for the press and democracy," RSF said at the time.

In comparison, our Dominican neighbors advance by 4 places compared to 2018 and are 55th out of 180 countries. Between 2014 and 2019 the Dominican Republic went from 68th place (2014) to the 55th (2019) registering a rise of 13 places

SL/ iciHaiti

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