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iciHaiti - Tourism : Great patriotic pilgrimage of Milot
19/04/2019 10:31:06

iciHaiti - Tourism : Great patriotic pilgrimage of Milot
Each year during the Easter holidays, several thousand people go to Milot (North Dept., borough of Acul-du-Nord) to visit La Citadelle La Ferriere and the Palace of Sans-Soucis.

This patriotic pilgrimage was initiated by King Christophe during the long years of construction so that the population sees the progress of the work each year. This tradition was interrupted during the 15 years of the American occupation before resuming thereafter.

Today, nearly 10,000 pilgrims are come each year to this great meeting to the top of this monument, which has become a world heritage site.

On the eve of Heritage Week, the Ministry of Tourism is partnering with the National Heritage Safeguarding Institute (ISPAN), to local authorities as well as all the actors and tour operators of the North to celebrate the vision of a King who bequeathed us a heritage of such a dimension, that it is up to everyone to conserve, value and pass on to future generations.

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