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iciHaiti - Education : Launch of SACHA project on health at school
17/04/2019 09:23:04

iciHaiti - Education : Launch of SACHA project on health at school
On April 12, dozens of education professionals from 6 institutions in Port-au-Prince and members of the educational community (parents, students, education staff, management) gathered at a major Forum around the theme health promotion at school.

This day was organized as part of the project "Health for the Educational Community in Haiti" (SACHA) supported by the Training Center for Active Education Methods (CEMEA-Haiti) and supported by the Network Education and Solidarity, Solidarity Secular and Wallonia-Brussels-International.

On the agenda : exchanges, debates, reflection in workshops on issues related to health in schools, and development of action plans. The participants chose to address topics as diverse as sanitation, hygiene education, mental health, waste management or sex education. Action plans were proposed by the participants so that the committees could take concrete action to make schools healthier places to live.

Learn more about the SACHA Project :
The aim of the SACHA project is to contribute to the improvement of learning and teaching conditions, by promoting health at school, in four communal schools and two high schools in Port-au-Prince. Through these six pilot schools, the project will benefit 9,000 students and their parents, 460 school staff, education unions and their members, and other actors around these educational communities.

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