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iciHaiti - Economy : Arrival of a new cargo of fuel
16/04/2019 11:11:59

iciHaiti - Economy : Arrival of a new cargo of fuel
Monday the company National Distributors SA (DINASA), which supplies the service stations "National" and "Sodigaz" confirmed that 19,000 barrels of gasoline, 35,000 of diesel and 25,000 of kerosene, arrived in the port of the capital, stating that this new cargo will mitigate Haiti's fuel shortage in the past two weeks

A shortage that has had a negative impact also on the production of electricity. Hervé Pierre-Louis, Director General of the Electricity of Haiti (EDH), recently revealed that energy production was very low due to the shortage of fuel and drought https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27059-haiti-notice-significant-drop-in-electricity-production.html

For his part, Fils-Aimé Ignace Saint-Fleur, Director General of the Monetary Office of Development Assistance Programs (BMPAD), affirms for the umpteenth time that the fuel shortage will be reduced in the market and that the long lines of waiting in front of service stations is already being reduced gradually. This is far from reassuring consumers who make reserve despite the ban of the Government, to avoid in case of further shortage, to have to pay the black market, 2 or 3 times the price per gallon at the pump...

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