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iciHaiti - Social : France awards the Legion of Honor to a Haitian
05/04/2019 10:36:04

iciHaiti - Social : France awards the Legion of Honor to a Haitian
Wednesday at a ceremony at the Residence of France, the Ambassador of France in Haiti, José Gomez presented the insignia of Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honor to Mrs. Michèle Oriol, Executive Secretary of the Interministerial Committee of Territory Planning (CIAT).

In distinguishing Mrs. Oriol, France pays tribute to a person who embodies the public service and offers a model of what a servant of the State should be. Ambassador Gomez praised the career of this sociologist trained at the University of Paris Jussieu who decided to put his knowledge, talent and energy at the service of development of his country.

Recall that with a high sense of public interest, carrying a humanist vision of society, Mrs. Oriol for more than 20 years has devoted her efforts to topics essential to the future of Haiti : land reform, decentralization and territorial planning, the fight against slums and its social and environmental consequences. His work in these areas has given rise to many cooperation actions with France.

Learn more about the Legion of Honor :
First National Order instituted after the French Revolution, the Legion of Honor is the highest French distinction and one of the most famous in the world. Rewarding the "eminent merits" of French or foreign personalities in all fields of activity, it has been awarded for two centuries in the name of the President of the Republic, recognized as Grand Master of the Order during his inauguration.

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