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iciHaiti - Tourism : Presentation of the adventure circuit «Caves and Canyons of the South»
30/03/2019 08:53:30

iciHaiti - Tourism : Presentation of the adventure circuit «Caves and Canyons of the South»
Thursday As part of the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development of the South of Haiti, Marie-Christine Stephenson the Minister of Tourism organized an event at the Ciné Triomphe to present the adventure circuit "Caves and Canyons South"

In this perspective, through the Program of the Southern Integrated Regional Tourism Development Region (RIAT ​​South), financed by the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), the Ministry of Tourism commissioned a firm to : Inventory of caves and canyons of the South, the equipment of eight of them, the production of professional photographs, the training in speleology of 15 southern candidates and the production of a "topoguide" to highlight this new product tour and coordinate the production of a short film to be used directly as a promotional element through major international adventure festivals.

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