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iciHaiti - Health ALERT : False injectable phenobarbital in circulation
29/03/2019 10:44:37

iciHaiti - Health ALERT : False injectable phenobarbital in circulation
A fake phenobarbital injection is in circulation. The ampoule on which is written phenobarbital (an antiepileptic), actually contains gentamicin an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections. Its injection can cause serious kidney problems or death in some cases.

Recall that recently the Ministry of Public Health had launched a health alert on another counterfeit drug sold under the name "Clarithromycin tablets, 500 mg" in the department of Artibonite after consuming a false clarithromycin https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27252-haiti-flash-counterfeit-medicine-health-alert.html

The Association of Haitian Pharmacists (APH), which groups more than 300 pharmacists, criticizes the laxity of the authorities face the criminal trafficking of fake drugs (non-compliant dosing, inactive or toxic principle, false labeling...) with dramatic consequences on the health of patients. Emphasizing that most of these falsified medicines are manufactured abroad to be sold in Haiti. Note that the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 11% of medicines available in developing countries are fake

In view of this danger, the APH urges the population to be vigilant and to buy their medicines exclusively in authorized pharmacies and calls on the authorities to fight mercilessly against this plague

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