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iciHaiti - Environment : Methodological guide on environmental audits
27/03/2019 11:59:54

iciHaiti - Environment : Methodological guide on environmental audits
Joseph Jouthe, Minister of the Environment last week at the Montana Hotel in the workshop, proceeded to the official presentation of the Methodological Guide on environmental and social audits to the executives of the different institutions involved in this process at the country level.

Bringing together representatives of Universities and other sectoral actors such as environment, mines and quarries, waste, industries, gas and oil, coastal infrastructures, this workshop aimed to introduce them to the use of this guide, in better understanding of the environmental audit procedure.

In his remarks, Minister Jouthe emphasized the importance of this strategic tool, which he believes will strengthen the normative, regulatory and legal framework for interventions in this sector.

In addition, Jouthe thanked the bodies that contributed to the development of this document, particularly UN-Environment for its technical and financial support and Cross Cutting Capacity Development (CCCD), coordinated by the National Observatory for the Environment and Environment and of the Vulnerability.

IH/ S/ HaitiLibre

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