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iciHaiti - Diplomacy : Formation of two young Ambassadors of Caricom
24/03/2019 09:49:36

iciHaiti - Diplomacy : Formation of two young Ambassadors of Caricom
Friday the Ministry of Youth through its Directorate of Youth and Integration, organized a day of training for the two Young Ambassadors of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Abischamma Grand Jean (student in Accounting Sciences) and Admeson Adma (student in Small and Medium Enterprise Management - SME), selected from several dozen applicants in a competition organized in April 2018.

The introduction to the protocol, the functioning of CARICOM and the role of young ambassadors were the topics discussed in order to prepare our young ambassadors to better participate in international meetings and allow them to play their role well and represent Haiti brilliantly.

The Minister of Youth, Edwing Charles considered it important to renew the representativeness of Haiti at the level of CARICOM and to properly supervise our young ambassadors.

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