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iciHaiti - Politic : Acting Prime Minister Lapin, met the members of his team at the Primature
22/03/2019 09:21:39

iciHaiti - Politic : Acting Prime Minister Lapin, met the members of his team at the Primature
Thursday at the Primature, following his inauguration by President Jovenel Moïse, at the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers held at the National Palace https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27249-haiti-flash-ceant-handed-his-resignation-after-the-installation-of-lapin.html , acting Prime Minister, Jean Michel Lapin met in the afternoon, the heads of units, directorates as well as staff members of the Primature, in the presence of Secretary General Hugues Joseph who welcomed him.

The new acting Head of the resigning Government wished to recall the instructions received from President Moïse, in particular : to dispatch the day-to-day affairs of the State, as a matter of priority to restore the security of the country, to work for social appeasement and to prepare for the entry into function of the next Prime Minister when he is appointed and ratified by Parliament.

Prime Minister Lapin has invited the staff of the Primature to return to work without delay and to support him in the accomplishment of his delicate and difficult mission.

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