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iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Shortage of water where is the money of the Spanish cooperation ?
21/03/2019 09:08:47

iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Shortage of water where is the money of the Spanish cooperation ?
Although the basement of Petit-Goâve contains enough water, the downtown area faces a shortage of this precious liquid, some subscribers do not get enough water while others are cruelly deprived. A situation caused by an absence of the responsible authorities concerned who do not really care about the urgent needs of the city and do not consider the lack of water that the population is facing.

No action has been taken while according to some information collected, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) made available to the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA) a fund of 1.5 million US dollars for the rehabilitation and expansion of the Petit-Goâve drinking water supply system. So far nothing is done and we learned that the person responsible for the execution of this project has been transferred to Port de Paix...

Local authorities must act if the population of Petit-Goâve will go down once again in the streets, to ask where are the 1.5 million dollars granted by the Spanish cooperation in favor of Petit-Goâve ?

IH/ iciHaiti / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)

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