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iciHaiti - Insecurity : Consternation of the Ministry of the Interior
19/03/2019 09:52:07

iciHaiti - Insecurity : Consternation of the Ministry of the Interior
Jean-Marie Reynaldo Brunet Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities is appalled by the tragic death of Aristide Arisson Junior, member of the Assembly of the 3rd Communal Section (ASEC) of Grand Ravine in Martissant, shot dead, by unidentified individuals, in the afternoon of Wednesday, March 13, at the Boulevard Harry Truman, Bicentenaryhttps://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27185-haiti-security-christophe-aristide-jr-asec-of-grand-ravine-shot-dead.html which had time to escape before the intervention of the police.

"In this unfortunate circumstance, Jean-Marie Reynaldo Brunet, Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities, presents his deepest sympathies to the deceased's family and loved ones at Cité de l'Eternel where he was born and the 5th avenue where he grew up in particular. The sincere condolences of the Ministry are also addressed to the five remaining members of the Assembly of the 3rd Communal Section of Martissant, to all of its collaborators, to its admirers and to its constituents.

Finally, the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities condemns this assassination which is a blow to the neighborhoodof Grand Ravine and the whole society."

IH/ iciHaiti

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