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iciHaiti - DR : Americans help Dominicans strengthen their borders
18/03/2019 08:01:57

iciHaiti - DR : Americans help Dominicans strengthen their borders
As part of the military funding programs of the United States Armed Forces Security Co-operation Bureau, the Dominican Armed Forces received a donation of military equipment from the US Embassy in Santo Domingo

La donation comprend plusieurs dizaines de Casques militaires de protection tactique en kevlar qui seront utilisés par les membres de la la force armée opérationnelle « Cerco Fronterizo » dans la zone frontalière du pays avec Haïti.

In addition, Dominicans reinforced their presence along the Haitian border with the installation of new inter-institutional facilities, including an outpost at Copey. At the inauguration ceremony of this outpost, the Dominican Army received donations from the United States, an undisclosed number of non-lethal equipment, including off-road buggy vehicles for patrols, glasses night vision and at least four surveillance drones.

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