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iciHaiti - Culture : 10th edition of intercultural festival «Kont anba tonèl»
17/03/2019 09:35:41

iciHaiti - Culture : 10th edition of intercultural festival «Kont anba tonèl»
From 20 (World Story Day) to 30 March 2019, will be held the 10th edition of the Intercultural Festival "Kont anba tonèl" in Port-au-Prince, Gonaïves and Jérémie around the theme "From faith to tradition."

Three countries are invited to this Festival : France, Guinea-Bissau and Benin.

This year, the organizers included in the festival the "Lakay Konte", of evenings of stories organized by private individuals, where the public, or the spectators can participate actively. Of course, as is the case every year, the "Anba tonèl fair" will be held (March 29, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, street Roy Port-au-Prince), where the creations of our craftsmen will amaze the festival-goers.

French storyteller Muriel Bloch will be the guest of honor at this 10th edition. Muriel Bloch, alone or with musicians, has an important and eclectic repertoire composed of traditional tales that she recycles in her own way, news and sometimes stories of her invention. She lives in Paris and has been collecting stories for almost thirty years. Muriel Bloch regularly organizes workshops around storytelling, especially around the repertoire, or in situ tales. She's coordinated by "Paris sur Paroles" for the Paris Summer Festival, and by Babel for the Autumn Festival in Paris. A book bears witness Babel Contes ed. Textuel / Arte, with the complicity of Praline Gay Para. Muriel Bloch also recorded CDs and CD-books and translated "Blues Bourricot ou les musiciens de la Nouvelle-Orléans" by Jan Huling.

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