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iciHaiti - Jérémie : First online training on positive masculinities in Haiti
15/03/2019 10:27:27

iciHaiti - Jérémie : First online training on positive masculinities in Haiti
UN Women has formally launched, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), a practical and certifying training on positive masculinities and violence against women for the benefit of dozens young men and women of Jérémie.

This two-month training aims to contribute to the reduction of violence in the city through a strengthened social contract between the commune and its young people.

At the end of this training, these young people will analyze in their respective communities situations of gender-based violence and their links with the construction of masculinities. They will benefit other young people who have not had the opportunity to take this training, the concepts and themes learned through community talks.

Finally, they will provide support and support in the fight against all forms of gender-based violence, particularly violence against women and girls, and will also propose actions that will help stop discrimination and boost gender equality.

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