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iciHaiti - Politic : Cruises and islands to revive tourism in Haiti...
14/03/2019 13:27:26

iciHaiti - Politic : Cruises and islands to revive tourism in Haiti...
On Monday, nearly a month after the demonstrations and riots that caused Haiti's isolation on the world tourist map, Prime Minister Jean-Henry Céant, during a visit to the Ministry of Tourism, pledged to revive the tourism sector and urge the political class to leave this sector out of their claims "Let those who want to do politics do it, but no one should fight tourism !" said Céant.

The Prime Minister remains convinced that Haiti still remains on the tourist map of the world, even if the flights of several airlines are suspended or reduced to Haiti, the tour operators no longer take reservations, hotels in the country are deserted and that several countries have issued passenger warnings to be careful to avoid traveling to Haiti.

Céant explained to the Minister of Tourism that the Government was targeting well-identified fields in order to ensure the revival of the sector, a visibility on the world and foreign currency receipts stating "The President of the Republic asked me specifically to insist on islands and cruises."

More than a strategy, it is clearly the only choice left for this sector, for the moment, to ensure the safety of tourists, by keeping them away from the zones of disorder and socio-political violence and to continue project as much as possible, a positive image of Haiti

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