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iciHaiti - Security : 87 road victims last weekend
12/03/2019 08:53:28

iciHaiti - Security : 87 road victims last weekend
According to the Haitian organization "Technical and Operational Services for Accidents" (STOP-Accidents), the balance of last weekend (March 8-10, 2019), conducted in partnership with the National Ambulance Center and the Haitian Red Cross, amount to 21 accidents, 79 wounded and 8 people dead on the scene or in the hospital.

The former director of the National Ambulatory Center Garnel Michel, coordinator of STOP-accident, points out that these accidents occurred in Cabaret, Arcahaie, Saint-Marc and Fort-Liberté. He calls on motorists and pedestrians to be cautious and the State authorities concerned to assume their responsibilities by taking the necessary measures to limit the number of traffic accidents.

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