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iciHaiti - Artibonite : A dozen houses burned, 2 injured by bullets
09/03/2019 08:10:30

iciHaiti - Artibonite : A dozen houses burned, 2 injured by bullets
Wednesday, March 6, in the localities "Bwa Lavil" and "Jean Denis" in Savien (1st communal section of Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite), two armed rival groups clashed for several hours about a land conflict.

Partial assessment at least two wounded by bullets and ten houses burned.

The residents of these localities, worried about their lives and their property, say they live in fear and suffer acts of violence from these two groups for some time (crops destroyed and ransom demand) they reiterate their call for the police to come and restore the order and peace in their area, a call that until now has not been followed by visible effects...

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