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iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Deputy Mayor Cétoute visits women at Cabaret Prison
08/03/2019 09:47:12

iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Deputy Mayor Cétoute visits women at Cabaret Prison
Thursday, at the initiative of the Association of Mayors of the West of Haiti (AMOH) and as a prelude to the International Day of Women's Rights (Friday, March 8), Géraldine Jean-François Cétoute, the Deputy Mayor of Croix-des-Bouquets was part of a delegation of mayors and vice presidents of the West metropolitan area who made this Thursday, March 7, 2019, a visit to the civil prison of Cabaret.

This delegation, accompanied by Jude Édouard Pierre, the President of the AMOH and the National Federation of Haitian Mayors (FENAMH), wanted to support women imprisoned in the Carbaret civil prison and distributed hygiene and food kits to women detained.

The Mayor Cétoute, lawyer by profession, on behalf of the Municipal Council of Croix-des-Bouquets, pleaded in favor of the women incarcerated against the prolonged preventive detention which have not yet been presented before the judge and expressed the solidarity of the other members Council, of Mayor Rony Colin and Deputy Mayor Jean Jonas Saint-Juste, to those women who can not enjoy the affection of their family.

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