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iciHaiti - Security : Ouanaminthe bans the trade of petroleum products on the streets
06/03/2019 07:15:56

iciHaiti - Security : Ouanaminthe bans the trade of petroleum products on the streets
Taking advantage of the difficulties of supplying fuels in Haiti, causing a rise in prices, many Haitians are sourcing in the Dominican Republic at low prices https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26705-haiti-dr-haitian-taxi-motos-get-fuel-in-dajabon.html , despite the restrictions imposed in the neighboring country https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26989-haiti-rd-haitians-furious-against-the-militarization-of-the-dominican-c.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27003-haiti-rd-seizure-of-more-than-500-gallons-of-contraband-fuel-destined-to-haiti.html , to resell at full at high price the fuel in Haiti in the streets.

In order to fight against this illegal and especially dangerous trade for both vendors and the population, Luma Demetrius, the Mayor of Ouanaminthe has decided to ban the sale of fuel in the streets of the city.

A decision disputed by small retailers of petroleum products who are very angry, accuse the mayor of wanting to prevent them from working to support their families...

While waiting for the outcome of this standoff between the small sellers and the municipal administration, the sale of fuel on the sidewalks in Ouanaminthe continues without the shadow of a sanction ..

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