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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Strong reactions on the decision to subsidize imported rice
04/03/2019 07:01:51

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Strong reactions on the decision to subsidize imported rice
The Council of the House of Agriculture and Professions of Haiti (CHAGHA) expresses its total disagreement on the decision of the administration Moïse/Céant to subsidize the importation of 60,000 metric tons of rice by exempting from the tax on Turnover (TCA) 4 importers. The Chamber sees this decision as a measure to strengthen monopolies to the detriment of local actors, which puts local producers in the face of unfair competition...

CHAGHA regrets not having been consulted before this decision, which may be harmful for national production and will aggravate the budget deficit... Moreover Érick Balthazar, Chairman of the Board of CHAGHA doubts the effectiveness of this measure underlining the significant risk of diversion of this subsidized rice...

For his part, Senator Youri Latortue demands the immediate withdrawal of this decision which only favors importers to the detriment of Haitian rice farmers. He threatens to intensify the demonstrations in his department, if the Government does not reconsider this decision.

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