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iciHaiti - National Carnival 2019 : Artists threaten to sue the State
02/03/2019 09:10:41

iciHaiti - National Carnival 2019 : Artists threaten to sue the State
Artists representing musical groups : "Tonton Bicha", Theodore Beaubrun and Ginette Beaubrun (Boukman Eksperyans), Roll Lainé (Djakout #1) Roudy Petuel, "Ti Pay", Ricky Juste, (K-Dans) among others, as well as representatives of several walking bands met the press following the announcement by the Government of the cancellation of the National Carnival 2019 in Gonaïves https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27057-haiti-flash-the-national-carnival-in-gonaives-canceled-but.html

They say they are ready for the National Carnival scheduled initially March 3 and 5, 2019 and ask the Haitian authorities to assume their responsibilities for the holding of this event. Very strongly against the Government, they ask that this decision taken without consulting them be reconsidered, being ready if necessary, to summon the State to justice. They explain that this decision leaves them with no possibility of income while they must still face many costs and pay all their musicians and staff.

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