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iciHaiti - Economy : Towards a partial guarantee fund for SMEs
02/03/2019 08:19:20

iciHaiti - Economy : Towards a partial guarantee fund for SMEs
Friday morning at the Karibe Convention Center, the Governor of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH), Jean Baden Dubois and senior management of the supervision of the financial institution, met members of the network of entrepreneurs "Sa se Bisniz Pam" for an information session on BRH's pro growth programs.

The Central Bank executives exposed to the network's entrepreneurs, the benefits of pro growth programs relating to the hotel and tourism sector, exports and free zones, among others.

Governor Jean Baden Dubois stressed "[...] the BRH together with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Industrial Development Fund (FDI) is in the process of setting up a partial guarantee fund for Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can in some cases go up to 65% of risk coverage."

IH/ iciHaiti

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