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iciHaiti - Politic : CARICOM reiterates its call for calm in Haiti
01/03/2019 10:18:58

iciHaiti - Politic : CARICOM reiterates its call for calm in Haiti
Speaking at the opening of the 30th Inter-Sessional Meeting of the CARICOM Conference of Heads of State and Government in Frigate Bay, St Kitts and Nevis, on 26 February, the Secretary-General of the Community Caribbean (CARICOM), Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, reiterated the call for calm and cessation of violence in Haiti, saying that the shadows left by these issues could not weaken the development trajectory of the Community.

In this context, he stated that the progress made in the architecture and economy of the CARICOM Single Market, as well as in the regional transport and security architecture, were essential to strengthen the integration and especially to improve the lives of the citizens of the Community.

Secretary General says CARICOM is ready to help "in any way possible" to end the unrest that destabilizes Haiti "The Community reiterates its call for calm and a cessation of the violence, and appeals to all involved to engage in constructive dialogue, to respect the Constitution, the rule of law and democratic processes so that issues can be resolved in a peaceful atmosphere and allow for the return to a state of normalcy."

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