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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Young Ambassadors Program, registrations open
27/02/2019 13:32:19

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Young Ambassadors Program, registrations open
If you are a motivated Haitian high school student between the ages of 15-18, committed to public service and improving your community? If you are in your second or third year of study, we invite you to apply for Youth Ambassadors Program. We are also seeking two (2) adult mentors who will assume the important responsibility of accompanying and guiding these youth through their exchange experience and after action.

Please click on the following link to apply as a student or a mentor : https://youthambassadors.worldlearning.org/YA/WL_SiteRegister

The deadline for all student and mentor application is : March 25, 2019.

Note : The whole program will be in French.

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