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iciHaiti - Politic : Towards a new dynamic of volunteer Brigadiers
25/02/2019 08:31:12

iciHaiti - Politic : Towards a new dynamic of volunteer Brigadiers
Saturday at the Multipurpose Training Center of the Croix des Bouquets, Edwing Charles, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action met, 400 young volunteer brigadiers from the Department of the West.

The many challenges of the Ministry's civic action sub-sector motivated Minister Charles to meet the youth of the West Department Brigade. To receive their grievances before discussing with them the relevance of a new departure for a better service in the metropolitan area.

Aware of the serious economic problems faced by these young people in their daily lives and to offer them better working conditions, the Minister intends to orient these brigadiers towards a new dynamic for their active participation in reforestation, sanitation and sensitization.

While mobilizing these young people around their mission, Charles urged them to continue their civic engagement by continuing to accompany the schoolchildren and assisting the elderly in the streets of the metropolitan area. In addition, he announced the organization of training sessions for the various brigades and the distribution soon, of first aid kits to enable them to carry out their work effectively during their hours of service.

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