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iciHaiti - Social : The Diaspora worries about the deterioration of the situation in Haiti
25/02/2019 07:08:21

iciHaiti - Social : The Diaspora worries about the deterioration of the situation in Haiti
In a joint note, Jocelyn Jean Louis President of the Federation of the Haitian Diaspora of Europe (FEDHE) based in Paris (France) and Lionel Jean Baptiste, President of the United Front of the Diaspora (FUD) a Haitian organization based in Miami, (FL, USA) express their deep concern over the deterioration of the social, political and economic situation in Haiti and invite all Haitians without exception to a collective awareness in order to finally free the country from these cyclical crises which compromise the future of our children, of our institutions, and call into question the very foundations of the Nation.

"The FEDHE and FUD, while expressing their sincere sympathies to the families of the victims of the last demonstrations, strongly denounce all forms of violence and urge the authorities to redouble their efforts to meet the main demands of the population [...]

We invite every Haitian, regardless of his or her origins, country of residence, social, political and religious affiliation, to engage in a frank, constructive and taboo-free dialogue with the other in order to analyze the mistakes of the past, account today's demands and develop together for the future a new social contract that benefits all "tout moun dwe jwenn", "tout moun dwe ladan l". There can be no social justice and no lasting peace in a society that refuses to apply even partially the principle of communicating vessels.

In these difficult times, the Federation of the Haitian Diaspora of Europe and the FRONT UNI are ready to offer their services to help the country out of this crisis which penalizes the population."

See also :
https://www.haitilibre.com/article-1727-haiti-europe-la-federation-de-la-diaspora-haitienne-en-europe-existe-maintenant.html (in french)

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