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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Postponement of the 4th edition of the Exploratory Economic Mission Entrepren'Elle
23/02/2019 08:51:50

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Postponement of the 4th edition of the Exploratory Economic Mission Entrepren'Elle
Due to the events that are severely affecting Haiti at the moment, the Entrepreneurial Exploratory Mission Economic Mission (ME3) is forced to postpone for an indefinite date its 4th Edition, scheduled from March 6 to 8, 2019 in Cap-Haitien around the theme "Towards a prosperous alliance... in the feminine 3.0, place to art and culture".

The Mission Entrepren'Elle, in collaboration with the North Departmental Directorate of Culture, reiterates its desire to continue to organize the visibility and influence of Haitian entrepreneurs at the regional, national and international levels, by putting forward this year, a program focused on cultural entrepreneurship.

The organizers of the Mission thank all our partners and collaborators for their support towards the M3E as well as all the people who have expressed their interest to participate in the activity. We invite you to stay on top of all the developments in this issue. "Our thoughts turn to our sisters and brothers who are afflicted."

Learn more about the ME3 visit : https://www.missionentreprenelle.com

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