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iciHaiti - Dajabón : Dominicans open binational market also on wednesday
22/02/2019 10:27:25

iciHaiti - Dajabón : Dominicans open binational market also on wednesday
Due to the economic crisis and the demonstrations that paralyze Haiti, for the past two weeks, a growing number of Haitians have come to Dajabón, to stock up on supplies, food and fuel. Lieutenant General Rubén Darío Paulino Sem, the Minister of Defense, said that the authorities of Dajabón decided in addition to the two days of regular binational market (Monday and Friday), to add now Wednesday in order to face the the influx of Haitians, so that they can more easily obtain supplies during this period of scarcity in their country.

In addition, Minister Paulino Sem said that in order to avoid overflowing, security in Dajabón had been reinforced and that instructions had been issued to the soldiers in charge of border surveillance, so that they respected Haitians' right in case "of arrest and return to their country of origin."

S/ iciHaiti

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