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iciHaiti - Social: The rectorate of the UEH, under the stones and trashes throwing
21/02/2019 09:10:54

iciHaiti - Social: The rectorate of the UEH, under the stones and trashes throwing
After the attack of February 7th, https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-26924-icihaiti-security-the-ueh-condemns-the-violent-attacks-against-the-rectorate.html the premises of the Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (UEH) suffered a new aggression earlier this week, by individuals posing as students of the UEH who threw stones and bags full of trashes on the premises.

The Rectorate is surprised that people claiming to be UEH student believe they should use rubbish as a "weapon of struggle", not even realizing the risks to their own health and that of the health of the Rectorate's staff.

The Rectorate wonders if the society that is currently going through a period of great unrest has not reached the point where some of its members are attacking their own interests by destroying their own abilities ? Recalling that "Faced with this deleterious and alarming situation in our country, every student, every academic, must be ready to engage in the defense, conservation and promotion of the common good."

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