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iciHaiti - Crisis : Tourism and the image of Haiti seriously affected
21/02/2019 08:22:51

iciHaiti - Crisis : Tourism and the image of Haiti seriously affected
Reacting to the disastrous consequences of the crisis on the tourism sector and the image of the destination since February 7, Marie Christine Stephenson the Minister of Tourism said to be "appalled by the impact of the current situation that besides the economic dimension affect deeply the image of Haiti."

Minister Stephenson remains convinced that the tourism sector will be reborn despite the heavy consequences resulting from the riots and calls for the protection of the conditions conducive to investment in this sector of primary importance for the country.

Recall some of the consequences of these social disorders initiated and supported by the opposition :

103 Quebec tourists stranded for a week in Haiti at the Royal Decameron Hotel Indigo Beach Resort & Spa due to civil unrest https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-26958-icihaiti-canada-back-home-for-133-tourists-hostages-of-the-crisis-in-haiti.html

Temporary closure of the seaside resort Moulin Sur Mer (in Montrouis), obliged to temporarily suspend its activities and services (Hotel - Marina - Restaurant) due to the impossibility of procuring essential inputs for the well-being of tourists https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-26982-icihaiti-tourism-moulin-sur-mer-temporarily-stops-its-activities.html

The desertion of customers of the Hotel Karibe, which threatens more than 300 jobs https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26990-haiti-news-zapping.html

The cancellation until 15 March 2019 of the tour operator Boomerang of all his departures travelers on Haiti for his Holiday Club 4 star Coralia on the Côte des Aracadins https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26950-haiti-tourism-hard-blow-for-haiti-and-the-development-of-the-haitian-tourism-sector.html

The suspension of many flights of several airlines...

See also :

S/ iciHaiti

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