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iciHaiti - Security : Summit on tourism and innovation postponed a second time
20/02/2019 10:21:56

iciHaiti - Security : Summit on tourism and innovation postponed a second time
For the second time, the organizers of the Tourism and Innovation Summit scheduled for 21, 22, 23 and 24 February 2019 in Cap-Haïtien announce the postponement of the event, due to the socio-political unrest and the insecurity in Haiti, as was the case in November 2018 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-26078-icihaiti-tourism-an-international-summit-in-cap-haitien-postponed-due-to-insecurity.html for the same reasons...

Approximately 50 national and international speakers including several important personalities and more than 300 participants were expected at the event in Cap-Haïtien.

"We have big dreams for Haiti and great hopes for the Haitian people [...] Our team will not abandon our initial objectives and will do everything in its power to continue the debate on tourism as a gateway to a better future for Haitians," said the summit organizers, who are planning a webinar (webinar) with key stakeholders on 22 February 2019 from 11:00 to 13:00 on the theme of" Tourism as a lever for progress ".

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