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iciHaiti - Crisis : Religion for Peace refuses to be one of the facilitators of inter-Haitian dialogue
19/02/2019 09:18:01

iciHaiti - Crisis : Religion for Peace refuses to be one of the facilitators of inter-Haitian dialogue
Jean Hilbert Lebrun, the Secretary General of the Presidency, informs that following his address to the Nation on February 14th, inviting the forces of Haiti to the dialogue https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26937-haiti-flash-jovenel-moise-leaves-his-silence-and-addresses-the-nation.html , President Jovenel Moïse officially appealed to Religions for Peace to be one of the facilitators in this dialogue with the Haitian political sectors to find a solution to the crisis.

However, Religions for Peace confirms the call to the Organization of the Head of State, on February 16 to promote the dialogue between the power and the opposition, but explains that after consultation of the different branches of the organization Ecumenical, Religion for Peace met Monday morning the head of state in his residence for the information that it could not respond favorably to the request of the Head of State. The religious organization says it explained to the President of the Republic that the current conditions were not met for such a dialogue and that in these circumstances, Religions for Peace could not play the role of mediator, ensuring "the Head of the State, we understood it well."

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