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iciHaiti - Crisis : Government flies to help disabled people
18/02/2019 07:28:09

iciHaiti - Crisis : Government flies to help disabled people
In response to the alarm raised by several organizations of disabled people face the difficult situation facing the country in recent days and considering the displacement of people with disabilities, the Government has granted hundreds of food kits to beneficiaries of Camp Lapiste in Delmas 2 as well as Disabled Women's Organizations, including the Union of Women with Reduced Mobility in Haiti (UFMORH).

The Office of the Secretary of State (Gérald Oriol Jr.) for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (BSEIPH), encourages any other benefactor who would like to help persons with disabilities, to contact it by email : info@seiph.gouv.ht

Secretary of State Oriol Jr., who pursues his mission of social inclusion of people with special needs, urges them to hold on and continue to assert their rights in all circumstances.

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