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iciHaiti - Social : «What sad failure» dixit Michaëlle Jean
16/02/2019 09:11:57

iciHaiti - Social : «What sad failure» dixit Michaëlle Jean
Message from the former Secretary General of the International Organization of La Francophonie, Michaëlle Jean :

"Haiti is bloodless, always traumatized by the hatred of which our ancestors, valiant struggle wanted to free themselves. So in our veins flows a blood of rebellious and anger gushes from a deep despair, face of all betrayal and injustice.

Pillage, destruction, violence, all those angry young people who should be at work or in school, able to produce, create and innovate.

Enough ! Some 70% of the Haitian population is under 30 years old. They can not stand counting for nothing or anyone.

What a sad failure."

Michaëlle Jean

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