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iciHaiti - Justice : The IACHR deeply concerned by the violence in Haiti
14/02/2019 10:08:34

iciHaiti - Justice : The IACHR deeply concerned by the violence in Haiti
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expresses its "deep concern" at the climate of violence in Haiti since February 7th which has left at least 7 dead, dozens wounded and many shops looted.

The IACHR, which depends on the Organization of American States (OAS), called on the Haitian Government to engage in a peaceful and inclusive dialogue, with full respect for human rights, with the actors involved, in order to find a solution. peaceful to the political and economic crisis that runs through the poorest country in America.

Protests against the government of President Jovenel Moise began on February 7 in the midst of a serious economic crisis, aggravated this year by a sharp depreciation of the gourde, the local currency, by an electricity crisis resulting from the shortage of petrol and double-digit inflation.

According to the local press, at least seven people were reported to have died during the demonstrations and about 14 policemen were reportedly injured, as well as looting of shops.

The IACHR expresses its solidarity with the families of the victimes and called on the Haitian State to investigate these deaths in order to determine the responsibilities and render justice.

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