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iciHaiti - Politic : Me André Michel asks the PNH to arrest President Moïse
12/02/2019 09:26:21

iciHaiti - Politic : Me André Michel asks the PNH to arrest President Moïse
Monday morning, Me André Michel, spokesman of the hard wing of the Movement of the Democratic and Popular opposition of Haiti and fierce opponent of PHTK, the party in power, asked on the airs of a radio of the capital to the Director General of the Haitian National Police (PNH), Michel-Ange Gédéon, to arrest Jovenel Moïse, on behalf of the Police Mission of protecting the lives and property of people.

For the lawyer, "Jovenel Moïse, with his stubbornness to continue to stay in power, represents a danger and a threat to the lives and property of citizens," he even claimed that "Jovenel Moïse represents a threat to his own life and that of each member of his family."

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