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iciHaiti - Artibonite : 1 police officer killed, another wounded in a shootout
08/02/2019 09:07:52

iciHaiti - Artibonite : 1 police officer killed, another wounded in a shootout
Wednesday 2 police offciers (Agent 1) were victims of a shooting, with to Grands Carreaux, a locality of Villard, (First communal section of Dessalines, Department of Artibonite), while they were preparing to execute an arrest mandate against an actively fleeing prisoner, known as "Ocho".

According to Saint-Marc's Commissioner, Marie Dieunane Joseph Borgelin, the two police officers were ambushed and targeted with gunshots and stone throwing as they prepared to carry out their mandate. Police offcier Pierre Ismaël Monvil (26th promotion) was fatally shot and dead in hospital while his colleague Yves Monexil (28th class) was slightly wounded by hand.

Note that this is the second police offciers in this department to fall under the murderous bullets in less than two weeks...

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