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iciHaiti - Politic : Presentation of the urban plans of Port-Salut, Aquin and Côte-de-Fer
07/02/2019 08:46:51

iciHaiti - Politic : Presentation of the urban plans of Port-Salut, Aquin and Côte-de-Fer
The Ministry of the Environment through the Directorate of Water Resources and the Bureau of Environmental Assessments, participated in the second meeting of the Planning Evaluation Committee, organized by the Executive Secretariat of the Intersectoral Committee for the Management of the Environment of Territory.

The main objective of this meeting was to take cognizance of the documents and urban plans prepared by the companies Group 8 / Beta for the cities of Port-Salut, those of Aquin and Côte de Fer and to make comments and suggestion.

These Urban Plans are part of the Improvement of the Sustainable Tourism Program which aims to promote tourism in the regions in order to create jobs and increase income in the sector for the benefit of the local population and people low income.

The results of this work aim to provide the cities of Port-Salut, Aquin and Côte-de-Fer with a tool for planning and urban management. Designed as a real public policy tool, this system combines a development strategy and a portfolio of priority investments to guide sustainable urban development in the three communes concerned.

In addition, the acquisition of these planning and management tools will enable the cities concerned to have better supervision of urban expansion, economic development and the protection of natural areas constituting the wealth and attractiveness of the region. It also aims to increase access to basic services and facilities, including tourist amenities. To this end, particular attention is paid to the enhancement of the cultural and natural heritage (coastline, waterfalls, mountains, historic buildings, etc...), as a strategic stake in the sustainable economic development of a region.

The presentation of the planning documents has been the subject of various comments from the Validation Committee. At the end of the meeting the representatives of the firm Group 8 / Beta undertook to revise the documents of Urban Plans accordingly while considering the recommendations of the Approval Committee.

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