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iciHaiti - Justice : No woman Judge appointed to the Court of Cassation
05/02/2019 11:57:48

iciHaiti - Justice : No woman Judge appointed to the Court of Cassation
Friday, Renan Hedouville, the Protector of the Citizen welcomed the appointment and swearing of six judges including the President at the Court of Cassation (Me René Sylvestre https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26828-haiti-news-zapping.html ) to fill vacancies.

This decision, which comes after a long process launched by the Senate of the Republic in accordance with Article 175 of the 1987 Constitution and under the prerogatives of the President of the Republic, is an important step towards strengthening the institutions and will enable the Haiti's highest judicial authority to play its full role.

However, he regrets that in this process, no woman judge was appointed under Article 17-1 of the amended Constitution which states "The principle of the quota of at least thirty percent (30%) of women is recognized at all levels of national life, especially in public services."

The Protector of the Citizen hopes that the highest authorities in the country will make all the necessary arrangements to ensure the effective participation of women in all decision-making spaces.

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