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iciHaiti - Conference : For a safer Internet for all
05/02/2019 11:32:14

iciHaiti - Conference : For a safer Internet for all
As part of the first edition of the "Safer Internet Day" an annual global event organized by the European INSAFE Network in February to promote a better Internet with young people, their parents and the educational community and encourage responsible behavior online a conference will take place at the Higher School of Infotronics of Haiti on Tuesday, February 5 from 9:00 to 11:00 am around the theme "For a safer Internet for all".

Guest Speakers: Christelle Vaval (Business Law Specialist and ISOC Haiti Board Member), Gael Beaubeuf (CISA, CAPM), Kathlyn Bastien (Head of IT Department at CREDOC at the Primature) and Obed Sindy (President of the ISOC Haiti) as moderator to celebrate the "Safer Internet Day 2019" in a first edition.

All Haitians are invited to follow the hashtags #SID2019 and #SaferInternetDay to participate in this global mobilization around a safer Internet for all. The slogan of the campaign, "Together for a Better Internet", is a call to action for all stakeholders to come together and play their part so that better Internet for all and especially for the youngest is possible.

IH/ iciHaiti

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