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iciHaiti - Diaspora : Promotion for the replacement of charcoal by LPG in the country
04/02/2019 08:40:50

iciHaiti - Diaspora : Promotion for the replacement of charcoal by LPG in the country
On 1 February, former Trade Minister Danielle Saint-Lôt, Haiti's Itinerant Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women, completed a 3-day information and promotion mission to the Haitian community in the Bahamas.

As part of this initiative supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID - Haiti), the Danielle Saint-Lô Haiti Women's Foundation wishes to encourage Haitians living abroad to offer stoves and other LPG accessories to their relatives and friends living in Haiti.

Welcomed at the Bahamas International Airport by the Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of Haiti in the Bahamas François Jérôme Michel and the Head of the Consular Section Herns Mesamours, Danielle Saint-Lôt met religious and community leaders during her stay including women, business people, media managers and the most important social network facilitators of the Haitian community in the Bahamas, on the importance of replacing charcoal in Haiti with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) especially in the Far North region.

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